Important Notice: Please allow an additional 3 - 5 business days for your order to be processed and shipped due to unexpected circumstances.
Packin' Heat - Silver Ring - Box 12
Feast Your Eyes - Purple Ring
Triple Crown Winner - White Ring - Box 14
Malibu Mist - Silver Ring - Box 12
Serenely Summer - Copper Ring - Box 11
GLOWING Great Places - Brown Ring - Box 3
The ZEST Of Intentions - Blue Ring
Zest Quest - Pink Ring - Box 9
Princess Problems - Blue Ring
Breezy Blossoms - Rose Gold Ring - Box 8
Gardenia Grandeur - Red Ring - Box 5
GLOW Your Mind - Yellow Ring - Box 2
Gardenia Grandeur - White Ring - Box 14
Well Connected - Black Ring - Box 10
5th Avenue Flash - Silver Ring - Box 12
Mojave Treasure - Orange Ring - Box 4
Dream Sparkle - Blue Ring
Mermaid Mamba - White Ring - Box 14
Money Hungry - White Ring - Box 14
Upper Uptown - Gold Ring - Box 8
Limitless Luminosity - Green Ring - Box 1
Pricelessly Princess - Green Ring - Box 1
Heads Or TAILFEATHERS - Blue Ring
Set In Stone - Blue Ring